大沼 淳
ファッションビジネス研究科 ファッションクリエイション専攻 ファッションデザインコースでは、修了年次(2年生)に必修のプロジェクト科目である「修了研究・創作」を研究し、各自のフィロソフィーやコンセプトに添った15体以上のフルコーディネイト作品を制作の上、ポートフォリオと共に修了の単位取得最終審査を受けます。
Sunao Onuma
Bunka Fashion Graduate University
Bunka Fashion Graduate University will celebrate the 7th graduation in March 2014. BFGU first opened its doors in April 2006. Since then, we have fostered capable human resources who may be able to establish fashion or one of intellectual properties of creation as a mean of business and who may be able to systematize the internationally recognized value of designing.
The Fashion Design Course in the Division of Fashion Creation at the Graduate School of Fashion Business requires students to study thoroughly about their own designing philosophy in their second year. After their individual research, they have to produce more than 15 fully coordinated garments based on their theme concepts. Then the students sit for the final examination with their portfolio to earn credits to graduate.
Some pieces of their graduation work will be shown in the form of the “Visual Book.” Their designs are not only very original but also with full consideration toward functions based on human engineering. Their work, therefore, can express a wearer’s personality and identity. We are confident that our students will be active enough in their further career to meet limitless expectations in society.
小杉 早苗
強烈で個性的なデザインを発信し続ける ファッションデザインコースの、1年次では必修科目「終了研究・創作」で作品をデザインする上で、「挑戦・実験・失敗」を大いに奨励し、トレンドに左右されない「今」の精神で様々なことを、作品にまとめ10体以上のフルコーディネイトとして制作します。
そこで、1年終了時に、各自の未来を描きつつ、自分とは? 自分がやるべきことは?目標は? 時代を越えた美しさとは? さらなる夢は? などをつかむところまで研究します。
Sanae Kosugi
Dean, Graduate School of Fashion Business
Chief Professor, Fashion Design Course
The Fashion Design Course constantly presents highly creative and original designs. For the “Basic Research/Creation” project in the first year program, students are encouraged to design their fashion through experiencing as many experiments and trials as possible without any hesitation to make a mistake. In this project, students are required to design more than 10 fully coordinated outfits out of their pure originality, but not influenced by current trends.
Through this experience, the students, with a view towards the future, may find their own answers to the following questions by the end of their first year: What is their goal? What is everlasting beauty? What is self? What should self do? What are their future dreams?
Applying the first-year research “results”, and adding their originality and individuality to their consideration toward business, the students in their second year concentrate on their production work to acquire their master degree in fashion creation. To show their creation work in the Visual Book is merely one of the stages of their presentation process. We look forward to their one step forward with their confidence and pride to establish their firm personal brand.
第7期 学生一同
The Seventh Graduates Alumni
Fashion Design Course, Division of Fashion Creation
Graduate School of Fashion Business
Bunka Fashion Graduate University
The students of the Fashion Design Course in the Division of Fashion Creation have created their individual collections pursuing their philosophy of creation and future prospects after the selection of their own themes and concepts.
The Visual Book was first compiled to let a large number of people see our collections. Our Visual Book is the seventh volume. The book has been shown in a web format since 2012 in hopes of being viewed by larger global audience.
All collections on this website reflect each student’s unique senses of creativity earned in his/her last 2 years’ studies as a post-graduate student. As a platform to dispatch our work internationally, we hope this website will reach many people worldwide and help us build a new future relationship in the global industry of fashion, which will help us continue to create new styles and be active in the global fashion market.
Finally we would like to express our greatest appreciation to Bunka Gakuen and to those who have given us warm and kind support to materialize this website.