ヴィヴィアンノ スー Viviano Sue
ヴィヴィアンノ スー

ヴィヴィアンノ スー

Viviano Sue

Theme テーマ

Concept コンセプト

We are all parts of this infinite tessellation, fit in the ratio of Fibonacci sequence. The universe describes the past, present and future by using the word ‘symmetry.’ You can see infinite possibilities and the unpredictable future from the patterns hidden in beautiful and mysterious snakes.

Education 学歴
  • 2008:
    早稲田文化館 日本語専攻
  • 2010:
    文化服装学院 ファッション工科 アパレルデザイン科
  • 2014:

  • 2014:
    Bunka Fashion Graduate University
  • 2010:
    Bunka Fashion College: Creative Apparel Design Course
  • 2008:
    Waseda Japanese Language School
Contests 賞歴
  • 2013:
    Green Bridal Fashion Contest 優秀賞
  • 2013
    MUUSE x VOGUE TALENTS Young Vision Award Top50
  • 2013
    華孚杯チャイナ ファッションデザインコンテスト 優秀賞

  • 2013:
    The Green Bridal Fashion Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2013
    The MUUSE x VOGUE TALENTS Young Vision Award: Selected as one of the best 50
  • 2013
    The HUAFU China Fashion Design Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
Qualifications 資格
  • 2009:
    日本語能力試験 1級

  • 2009:
    Japanese Language Proficiency Test 1st Grade