加藤 志保 Shiho Kato
加藤 志保

加藤 志保

Shiho Kato


Theme テーマ
Non-avian dinosaur
Concept コンセプト

If there was a dinosaur in the modern world, I wonder what kind of a figure it would have. My aim is to express the uncertainty and strength of life that no longer existing creatures may have had.

Education 学歴
  • 2012:
    文化学園大学 卒業
  • 2014:

  • 2014:
    Bunka Fashion Graduate University
  • 2012:
    Bunka Gakuen University
Contests 賞歴
  • 2012:
    第6回ソアロンデザインコンテスト 入選
  • 2013:
    第36回Hep Five Original Fashion Contest 入選

  • 2013:
    The 36 thHep Five Original Fashion Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2012:
    The 6th Soalon Design Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
Qualifications 資格
  • 2011:
    パターンメーキング技術検定試験 2級
  • 2012:
    衣料管理士 2級

  • 2012:
    Textile Adviser 2nd Grade
  • 2011:
    Pattern Making Examination 2nd Grade