朴 玟緖 Park Min Seo
朴 玟緖

朴 玟緖

Park Min Seo


Theme テーマ
Oh, My Mathilda
Concept コンセプト

The inspiration comes from the actress in the movie who acted Mathilda. The main fashion item in the movie is a “flight jacket,” which is presented in various styles.

Education 学歴
  • 2011:
    文化服装学院服 服装科 卒業
  • 2014:

  • 2014:
    Bunka Fashion Graduate University
  • 2011:
    Bunka Fashion College
Contests 賞歴
  • 2010:
    (韓国)Doota デザインコンテスト(入選)
  • 2010
    ソアロン デザインコンテスト(入選)
  • 2011:
    (韓国)Doota デザインコンテスト(入選)
  • 2011
    (韓国)Joongang デザインコンテスト(入選)
  • 2011
  • 2012:
    第87回装苑賞 第1期(一次審査通過)
  • 2012
  • 2012
    ソアロン デザインコンテスト(入選)
  • 2012
  • 2013:
    第88回装苑賞 第1期(一次審査通過)
  • 2013
  • 2013
    第88回装苑賞 第2期(作品制作中)

  • 2013:
    The 88th So-en Award 2nd Competition: In Screening
  • 2013
    Japan Fashion Design Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2013
    The 88th So-en Award 1st Competition: Selected as a Candidate
  • 2012:
    Hempel Award (Beijing): Silver Prize
  • 2012
    Soalon Design Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2012
    Shinjuku Fashion Field: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2012
    The 87th So-en Award 1st Competition: Selected as a Candidate
  • 2011:
    Busan International Fashion Illustration Contest (Korea): Special Prize
  • 2011
    Joongang Design Contest (Korea): Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2011
    Doota Design Contest (Korea): Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2010:
    Soalon Design Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
  • 2010
    Doota Design Contest (Korea): Recognition as an Excellent Work
Qualifications 資格
  • 2009:
    日本語能力検定 2級
  • 2010:
    パターンメーキング技術検定試験 3級

  • 2010:
    Pattern Making Examination 3nd Grade
  • 2009:
    Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2nd Grade