桑原 圭祐 Keisuke Kuwabara
桑原 圭祐

桑原 圭祐

Keisuke Kuwabara

Theme テーマ
Concept コンセプト
映画『The Bully Project』に影響を受け、

Inspired by the documentary “The Bully Project”.
The word “.tucut.” implies the acts of self-harm which occasionally appear in the movie as bullied teenagers dealing with their melancholia.

Education 学歴
  • 2012:
    文化服装学院 ニットデザイン科 卒業
  • 2014:

  • 2014:
    Bunka Fashion Graduate University
  • 2012:
    Bunka Fashion College Knitwear Design Course
Contests 賞歴
  • 2011:
    Pitti Imagine Filati “feel the yarn” 入選

  • 2011:
    Pitti Imagine Filati “feel the yarn”: Recognition as an Excellent Work