徐 仁 In Seo
徐 仁

徐 仁

In Seo


Theme テーマ

I had a dream in a concrete jungle.
Concept コンセプト

By merging creation and fantasy into the world of ”a concrete jungle” with which I have played with fun since I was a little child, the familiar sight of daily life environment is transformed to the extraordinary.

Education 学歴
  • 2012:
    文化服装学院アパレルデザイン科 卒業
  • 2014:

  • 2014:
    Bunka Fashion Graduate University
  • 2012:
    Bunka Fashion College Creative Apparel Design Course
Contests 賞歴
  • 2012:
    全国服飾学校第27回ファッション画コンクール 優秀賞
  • 2012
    第5回「ソアロン」デザインコンテスト 銀賞
  • 2013:
    第88回装苑賞 一次審査通過

  • 2013:
    The 88th So-en Award: Selected as a Candidate
  • 2012:
    The 5th Soalon Design Contest: Silver Prize
  • 2012
    The 27th National Fashion Schools Fashion Illustration Contest: Recognition as an Excellent Work
Qualifications 資格
  • 2006:
    日本語能力検定 1級
  • 2010:
    ファッション色彩能力検定 2級

  • 2010:
    Fashion Color Coordination 2nd Grade
  • 2006:
    Japanese Language Proficiency Test 1st Grade