This time, visible light is the topic of my creation. Is the world seen with the human eyes the same? When we say "one centimeter, red,small size…", are we discussing exactly the same thing? After listening to the speech by astronomer Lucian Wakovic, I changed some thoughts. "When you think of the night sky, you will imagine a gleaming star, right? But this is only part of the visible light. It is only a small part of the broad spectrum. If you only use visible light when painting the universe, it will become a boring painting like the one drawn with only one crayon. "Holding only one crayon of humanity, what can I paint?" With this in mind, I made this series of works.
2020Bunka Fashion Graduate University
2016Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology
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2016北京服装学院 卒業
2020文化ファッション大学院大学 修了見込み