The theme is "one side," which means there is a different side. There are different faces for all people and things. The town at dusk is completely different from in the daytime, and people are in the same way. Feelings in the evening are different from those in the daytime. Things happening during the day might make people pleasant or sad in the evening. People really show who they are, or in other words, their real side after their work. I want to tell the truth of the heart which represents one side of the heart.
This concept was inspired from the Tokyo Garden Museum. The dark atmosphere of the museum and the style of the building are perfectly matching. I want to express what I got inspired from the museum.
2020Bunka Fashion Graduate University
2018Bunka Institute Of Language
2017Bunka Fashion College
Donghua University
2019Bunka Fashion College Fashion Contest 2019 Design Award: Nominated
China Silk Creative Design: Nominated
Japan National Fashion Competition: Recognized as a Good Work2017China (Shandong) Arts and Crafts Expo Design Innovation Award: Gold Award
Donghua University (thesis): Merit Award for Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Projects2016China (Shandong) "Renli Taoliu" Arts and Crafts Expo: Gold Award
Shandong Art and Design Competition: Gold Award
2019Chinese Contemporary Abstract Art Fashion Design Exhibition, Italy
2017"Wutong Yanyi" Shanghai Fashion Week-2018AW
- テーマ
- コンセプト
- 学歴
2017東華大学 卒業
文化服装学院 卒業2018文化外国語専門学校 卒業
2020文化ファッション大学院大学 修了見込み
- 賞歴
2016人立陶琉杯 山東工芸美術賞 金賞
山東芸術デザインコンテスト 金賞2017東華大学 卒業デザイン・論文 優秀賞
中国工芸美術博覧会デザインイノべーション賞2019日本全国ファッションコンテスト 佳作入選
中国シルク衣装クリエイティブデザインコンテスト 入選
文化服装学院ファッションコンテスト 入選
- インターンシップ