Pandora Box has been opened
In 2018, human twin babies were born from the fertilized egg whose genes had been recombined. This news gave impulsive shock to the world. According to the Greek mythology, when Pandora's box arrived on the ground from the Heaven, the humans opened the box from their curiosity and all kinds of troubles and evil things came out into the human world. The shock that the news brought us was as serious as the opening of Pandra's box. This time, the DNA is transformed. How would recombined DNA affect the future world? I want to tell people how dangerous it would be to change genes.
2020Bunka Fashion Graduate University
2018Bunka Fashion College
- テーマ
Pandora Box has been opened
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- 学歴
2018文化服装学院 卒業
2020文化ファッション大学院大学 修了見込み