Multiple Personalities
"The Weeping Woman" by Picasso is well-known for the woman's face drawn from three different angles; from the front, side, and diagonally. It made me come up with the idea of multiple personalities which tend to be mutually independent and contradictory. I expressed various aspects of such people by using conflicting patterns, fabrics, and colors in one work.
2020Bunka Fashion Graduate University
2018Bunka Fashion College
2015Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Graduate School: Concentration on Japanese Studies
2013Hankuk University of Foreign Studies BA in Japanese Studies
2011Japanese Language Proficiency Test 1st Grade
- テーマ
Multiple Personalities
- コンセプト
- 学歴
2013韓国外国語大学校 日本学部日本地域学専攻 卒業
2015韓国外国語大学校国際地域大学院 日本学科 修了
2018文化服装学院 卒業
2020文化ファッション大学院大学 修了見込み
- 資格
2011日本語能力試験 N1