The core concept of Nanshan is to design clothing that embodies the aesthetics of nature and the beauty of tranquility, allowing people who seek escape from busy lives to immerse themselves in the serene, mystical world of landscape paintings and experience a sense of being in nature. Through this collection, we aim to express the quiet and gentle beauty of nature using solid-colored materials and ice-dyeing techniques. By incorporating the tones of ancient paintings and the layered depth of landscape art, we seek to create an atmosphere that makes one feel as if they are enveloped within a landscape painting.
March 2025,Bunka Fashion Graduate University Division of Fashion Creation Fashion Design Course (Expected)
July 2022,Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
2022Japanese Language Proficiency Test 2nd Grade
June-September 2023,PEIEN Assistant Designer
20223rd The China Fashion Illustration Contest Winning a prize
2022The Silk Contest Finalist
2022LuXun Academy of Fine Arts Outstanding Graduate
2022年 7月魯迅美術学院 服装と服飾デザインコース 卒業
2025年 3月文化ファッション大学院大学 ファッションクリエイション専攻 デザインコース 修了見込み
2022年日本語能力検定 2級
2023年 6-9月PEIEN アシスタントデザイナー
2022年魯迅美術学院 優秀卒業生賞 受賞
2022年シルクコンテスト 入賞
2022年中国ファッションイラストコンテスト 第3回 ノミネート賞 受賞